Tuesday, July 22, 2014

And then there were dog toys

Hello! (said like Miss Doubtfire)
Its the middle of summer and its hot.  Hot like Africa or the Sun or Africa if it was on the Sun.

These are the days to slather up with the tanning oil or the sunblock and get out.  Or if you're like us head inside away from the burn of the Sun.  To each their own.

So what seems like years in the making our dog toys have kinda of taken off.  We sold out a couple batches at the I Heart Denver store and we've been making more.  Here are some pictures of our latest batches.

Uno and Sugar patterns.

Finished Sugars: now quilted!

Beware the piercing eyes of the Unos!

You'll notice that these are very familiar.  All these designs were originally as dog toys.  Unfortunately every time we'd bring them out at markets people would discourage us by stating that their dogs would tear them apart.  Thus no one would buy them.  Those were dark times.  So we left the squeaker in them and told people they were "baby toys".  That seemed to do the trick.  Dogs and baby's love noisemakers.  And we love them for it.

Eventually we learned that the dog toys at I Heart Denver had sold out immediately. They asked us to make more with some suggested enhancements and we jumped on it.

The designs are basically the same but have more squeakers in them as well as the Sugar design is now "quilted" for extra durability.

So there you have it folks.  The story of the WTS dog toys.  No need to thank me.  Go forth and share our story with the world. :)

In the immortal words of Chris Rose:
"Have Fun." 

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