Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you the one and only George Raccoony, "The one who rubs, scrubs and scratches with its hands" the new WTS creatures mascot. We enjoy watching him dig for worms and scurry about in the backyard ... although we haven't seen him around lately. I think he's off to his summer home in France.

In other news, we here at WTS creatures are, as always, feverishly working round the clock to create the best creatures in all the land. Here's some insight into our process.

We trace and cut out patterns for our fanciful creatures. Ricardo, seen above, is working on "The Strong Man"

Once we have a plethora of patterns traced and cut out of a variety of soft and fluffy fabrics its time to sew them up and get them stuffed.

That's Ricardo again risking his delicate phalanges getting right up next to the perilously sharp needle of the sewing machine and stitching away.

So Sharp .... And Deadly!!

Another WTS creature almost complete. "The strong man" now awaits a bit of fluff and some closure.
Next Saturday, May 8th 2010, Project Hello, WTS creatures is representing!! And if I don't say so myself, it's just in time for Mother's Day. What mom wouldn't want a WTS creature for her very own? Exactly! Hope to see you all there.
Denise & Ricardo
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