The Good News:
We made our first sale to a local shop here in Denver CO ... Twist and Shout. We encourage you all to go check out our creatures. Twist and Shout is located at 2508 E. Colfax in Denver Colorado. Our creatures are located right inside the front door to the right of the cashier station. For all of you who can't find the time to go check out the awesomeness, we thought we'd give you a picture.

And now ...
The Bad News:
We still haven't won the lottery. Thanks to all of you who wrote into the United States lottery commission asking them to send Ricardo and I a couple of winning tickets. We really do appreciate it. Unfortunately, we recently found out that the lottery doesn't work that way. They will not just give away winning tickets...we think that's a bunch of phooey.
Denver Handmade Alliance has teamed up with the City Park Farmers Market and we'll be representing on July 4th 2010. Mark your calendars and tell you friends and family. It's gonna be a hoot!!