Are you ready for a lengthy post with lots of pictures? I bet you are! Ok. Ok. Calm down. Hold your applause and questions until the end.
So we are welcoming a new friend into the WTS family. This little creature's name is LockJaw or TMJ for short. Notice the one large googlie eye and somewhat floppy ears. It is quite a unique individual and would make the perfect best friend for anyone even your grandpa.
This is the pink albino LockJaw waiting to be stuffed.
So we are welcoming a new friend into the WTS family. This little creature's name is LockJaw or TMJ for short. Notice the one large googlie eye and somewhat floppy ears. It is quite a unique individual and would make the perfect best friend for anyone even your grandpa.
Here we see Denise hard at work preparing for the fabled Parker Oktoberfest. These spools of exotic colored thread are just part of our creative arsenal here at WTS Creatures.
We busted out the second machine so we could operated like a well oiled machine of sewing uninhibitation.
I've finished the face on The King and some of his tentacles.
Here I am turning out the remaining King tentacles surrounded by my machine and a pile of pieces of other creatures.
This is The King before I turn him out. He is known as a "needle breaker" because is tentacles are so strong.
Tah-Dah! The King has been turned out and is waiting to be stuffed and closed.
Denise was in such deep work concentration that books and rocks were levitating around the room. It was crazy intense. I got hit in the neck.
Denise sewing Connie Ceptus' body up.
Connie, Peeter and Sumi waiting to be stuffed and closed. The Strongman just needs some closing and they all need their beloved suitcase tags.
* * * * * * * * *
Parker Oktoberfest!!!! Wilkommen!!!!
It was a very nice day with a couple wind spells but over all very pleasant. We were set up between Direct TV and the face painting lady. Both were very nice people.
The obligatory WTS Creatures set up picture.
These were the classically trained Oktoberfest dancers. Similar to the Solid Gold Dancers but with more zazz. (If you know what Sold Gold is then I've given away my age) Anyway. These fine Frauen und Herren burnt a hole in the asphalt dancing the only way the Deutsch know how: Dangerously.
The dynamic duo of accordion shredding. Keeping it real meine Freund.
Speaking of "keeping it real", here's yours truly holding it down WTS style.
The day went off without a hitch despite some windy conditions. We bought a couple steins and wondered why the Guardian Angels were so out of shape. We were rather disappointed that there were no pretzels at the Oktoberfest, but maybe that's just us. But, as usual, we met and experienced a lot of interesting people and brought smiles to the faces of children. It was nice to know that we were able to hold our own in a strange land without the visitation of people we knew.
Danke Oktoberfest! Danke Parker! Auf Wiedersehen!
Denise was in such deep work concentration that books and rocks were levitating around the room. It was crazy intense. I got hit in the neck.
Parker Oktoberfest!!!! Wilkommen!!!!
Danke Oktoberfest! Danke Parker! Auf Wiedersehen!