As the saying goes "When it rains it pours."
A lot of things have been happening and coming into our little WTS world. Big things! Brilliant things!
But first things first: Create Denver Week(which was, like, last last week)
Create Denver Week was the launching of our new pet toy line! Thursday night(May 12th) was the opening party of the whole "week" and a lot of people came out. If you made it out you know how busy it was. Matt Scobey did a great job of building the space and Brian Corrigan did a nice job with over seeing the entire Create Denver Week. WTS Creature "represented" on Thursday and Friday for the symposium and the projection. These photos are from both of those nights:
Denise poses before the place gets packed.

Matt Scobey(with bike hat) amongst is interactive sculpture.

The Vatican sent their best(DJ Savior Breath) to lay down the beats to move our feets.

We're stoked on the new sign that Matt made for us. Thanks Matt!

Thursday crowd.

Cello slaying.

Happy confused people. There wasn't any signage available to explain what our toys were but it was all good.

Friday night.

Denise after the symposium on the 9th floor of the Spire building.

The symposium posed the question "How will technology shape tomorrow's new economy?" There were 3 panels totaling 17 professionals to answer this question. They were all very interesting but not one of them answered the question. Hahaha.

The "3D Projection Showcase" on a wall of the Opera House. A handful of visual artists animated the wall in their own ways to music and then the "film" was projected over the wall. The projection made the wall "come alive". It was very cool and something I hadn't ever seen before.

WTS Creatures is no longer at Mod Livin' but we are at the latest and greatest store for all things Colorado made:

The I (heart) Denver Store is in the Denver Pavilions right across from where the YesPleaseMore store front was. Get into it.
In other news: We got accepted to this years Project Hello! It will be on June 25th at Redline. Save the date because we are gonna unveil something BIG!
Also we've been contracted for some custom work! One for a video game company and another for Chicago artist, Alex Bradley Cohen. Both endeavors will hopefully lead to a line of collaborative stuffies for both parties.
That's all folks!