This past weekend was the last Horseshoe Market of the season. It is the largest event we've ever done with over 100 crafters and food vendors! That's like a little village of artsy craftsy goodness living on french fries, pizza and pulled pork sandwiches! The market, the day and the people we're all great! Next year you should definitely check it out!
Now let's go to the slides to see if we can relive the magic that is WTS Creatures at the Fall Horseshoe Market:

Our load in was at 6:45 in the morning, over 2 hours before the event started! No doubt it was earlier but it was great to have enough time to set everything up without feeling like we were under the gun.
Here's the always lovely Denise with the full set up as the sun still rises.

A mere fourth of the Horseshoe Market but still packed with the great vintage and craft goods they're known for.

This little guy didn't know where to start when he walked into our tent. He was shocked into the mumbles and couldn't decide if he wanted to go left or right. Grabbing two Connie Ceptuses, he seemed content with his selection and appeared to be thanking us and assuring himself of how right they felt in his grasp.....before he tried to walk out of the tent. His Mother stepped in, talked him down and made him choose between the two. Here you see a very happy, yet still bewildered, customer.

WTS was snug between the unique handmade stylings of Sister Hipster's tent on the right. And jeweler extraordinaire Maria Sorenson to the left. Both great artists and nice people. Check them out!

This is the tent of our friends, Vital Industries. They have a store front/ workshop at 41st and Tennyson, where they create great hand screened apparel and glass wear. Notice Brett on the right helping this nice lady. Let's listen in on their conversation that I just made up:
Lady, "If my arm was glass could screen stuff on it"
Brett, "umm...yes?"
Lady, "OK, what if it was a shirt. Like, I had a shirt for an arm. Could you still do it?"
Brett, "Yes, most definitely."
Lady, "Super!"

We got coffee and a smoothie at the Cozy Bean. The coolest coffee mobile ever! It's crazy and ingenious how they fit all that machinery into that VW bus!

The view over Finch's shoulder during a lull in the day.

Yummy hand-cut french fries from NZ's Smoking Guns food truck. The were both salty and sweet with a hit of garlic maybe(?) So good!

A glamour shot of yours truly.

The end till next Spring.

The Horseshoe Market was such good fun. We got a lot of compliments on our creations as well as our new display. WTS Creatures hopes to get in again next year. As always, the people and other vendors we met were all very nice. And you should check out everyone I talked about in this here blog.
The holidays are just about to start and WTS has got some great ideas planned so always check back here and our facebook to see what's a brewin'. Have FUN!
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