Whoa! This is going to be one of the biggest posts we've done in a long time with lotsa writing at pictures. So let's get into it.
In our last blog post we showed off the winning Schriesher Elementary designs. In this post you will see how the winning designs turned out and read the stories the kids wrote for them.
Let's start with BuBu.
The is what BuBu looks like half way thru. It still needs the horns, gusset and back. The horns will be sewn on just like the arms and legs. Then the back and gusset will be added to form a pocket to be turned out and stuffed.
Here's finished BuBu next to the original drawing.
"My name is BuBu. Goble. Bop. Bye."
Here we have the beginnings of the creature known as "Glowb" (pronounced "globe")
The stomach in the design is cut out 'cause I needed it as a separate pattern.
An unstuffed Glowb:
Final Glowb:
"I was born a normal monster with horns and three eyes and was named Blob. Then I lived in a dark room for 4 years and got a six pack with a weird glow on it. But now Im a normal monster again but still got a little glow so that’s why I changed my name to Glowb."
And last but not least: Scrop:
I sewed three different colors together to match his design.
Once I cut him out I started putting his eye on:
Scrop's eye, nose and mustache finished:
An unstuffed Scrop in need of a gentlemen's hat:
And the final Scrop:
"I used to drive a car powered by squirrels, but then I upgraded to goats."
Our correspondent at Schriesher Elementary says that all the kids LOVED the way their creatures turned out. We loved making them! Hopefully we can do something like this again.
Another big thanks goes out to art school teach extraordinaire, Ms. Williams for making this entire thing possible. And of course, a big thank you to all the kids of Schriesher Elementary and their awesome imaginations.
So not long after we posted the pictures of our visit to Schriesher Elementary, WTS was contacted to do some custom baby shower creatures. These creatures were used to decorate the shower and when the child was born would be their toys.
The ask was for 8 simple designs in greens and blues. Considering our usual designs are a little more dynamic with floppy legs and such, it took a handful of tries before we figured it out.
Behold, the 8 simple baby shower creatures by WTS:
Visit our facebook page to see these creatures individually.
March is the last month for the Handmade Colorado exhibit at the Denver International Airport. If you have time before a flight or just like visiting the airport: Go check it out! Those creatures will soon be for sale up on our etsy site.
We have some more custom creatures in the works right now. Be on the lookout for some more blogs and photos on our facebook real soon.
Spring time is upon us and the days are getting longer. Get out, see the world and smile...a lot.
In the immortal words of Chris Rose "Have fun."
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