Per usual: so much has happened since our last post. Here are some of the most exciting things in no particular order:
There I sat: thinking....thinking, 'What would all the kids with the pumped up kicks want for Xmas?' And then it came to me: Krampus the Holday Devil! Known in Europe to roam the land with Saint Nicholas. If your bad or your kids are bad then there's a very good change Krampus will take you away and eat you. Find comfort in the fact that he might beat you with sticks first. This guy is up on our Etsy and at The I Heart Denver store RIGHT NOW! He's perfect for anyone who wants something cool without having to camp at a walmart....or actually having to go into a walmart.
Also, Krampus will be available at the next few December Markets: info at the bottom.
Markets! If we were lucky enough to see you at the Fall Horseshoe Market or the November Neat Market then you know how much of a blast it was.
The Fall Horseshoe Market, way back in October, turned out to be quite a pleasant day. The sun was shining and people were smiling and a lot of people there were! It got a little wind at times but considering it wasn't raining or snowing it was no big whoop.
Then this past weekend was the November Neat Market. An all vegan market for everybody (not just vegans)! Most of the market was food aside from us and a couple other venders. I highly recommend you visit this market. It's one sunday every month and one hell of a good time.
These ghosts had a dance party:
Have I mentioned that WTS Creatures does custom work? Cause we do.
Check out these Pigeons. Aren't they the best. They're totally the new Owl.
So yeah that's what's been going on this side of the fence.
December 6 we're going to be at the Holiday ManCraft.
Its all crafts by men. Some say its the love child of Martha Stewart and Chuck Norris.
This event will be at the VFW Post 2461 located at 1350 South Broadway, Denver CO 80210 on Friday December 6, 2013 from 4 - 10 pm.
1350 South Broadway, Denver CO 80210.
On December 7th we'll be at the Holiday Horseshoe Market from 10 - 4pm at the Denver Pavilions.

We'll be at the December Neat Market at 33rd and Arapahoe from 11 - 3.
In the immortal words of Chris Rose:
"Have Fun."