So if you've been following us on the Facebook you will have noticed that WTS is focusing on one-of-a-kind specialties. That's not to say that WTS's usually cast of characters aren't unique in their own right. But the latest plushies being developed are truly "one and done". They aren't built from any patterns so they basically can't be repeated. I'd like to share some of the latest and greatest designs with you right now:
This little one was made for Blackheart Creations, a vegan catering company here in Denver. They wanted a mascot to sit at their booth for markets. "Adorably creepy" where the parameters.
This is "Barry". He yells a lot, which is why I had to get him out of my house. "Barry" was based on the Reginald character below. His new owner wanted a smaller version of Reginald so "Barry" was born.
Brutus with the horned eyes. This is the first time in WTS history (maybe even in plush history?) that I used this crazy technique for the eyes. You may have seen us attach Yorg's flippers like that but now we've taken it to the next level. Its crazy I know.Up until, like, 5 minutes ago this gentleman didn't have a name. I have decided to call him "Piano Von Man." He has no legs but very large human-like hands. I think Piano could probably be a bartender too.
Reginald was the first of this recent batch of one-of-a-kinders. He is very tall and sturdy. Compared to "Barry" Reginald is a laugher and not a yeller. This guys is up on our etsy for sale if you or your coworkers are interested.
And then there is this: the lone head. With a nose like a beak and some beady button eyes, this one needs a body. The mind wanders. Possibilities are endless. Keep a look out for the completion of this guy. I've got some great ideas.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit to the magically inconsistent blog of WTS Creatures.
Tell your friends and coworkers that we make cool plush creatures and in the immortal words of Chris Rose,
"Have Fun."